Attendance Fees
ASJRA members and Driehaus Museum members receive a 10% discount
on the conference fee.
If you decide to join ASJRA now you will be eligible for the member’s
Please click here to learn about the benefits of being an ASJRA
Non-ASJRA members Early Bird price (register by March 15, 2024)
After March 15 non-ASJRA members $155
ASJRA Membership and Conference $235
ASJRA and Driehaus Museum Members Early Bird price (register by
March 15, 2024) $125
After March 15 ASJRA and Driehaus Museum members $140
Please Note: The conference times are EDT.
The conference takes place on two afternoons. We also hold a virtual cocktail
party after the first session.
A recording of the entire conference will be available to view for one month
after the conference date. It will be available only for those who have paid
the conference fee. You will be able to view the conference online but may
not download it or pass it on to anyone else. We will automatically send you
the link for viewing the recording if you are registered for the conference.